Taking Stock – January 2018


blog combo x 3 me with stick

Inspired by the beautiful and clever Pip Lincolne of Meet Me At Mikes, I decided to do my own ‘Taking Stock’ this month, given that’s it been a bit of a monumental start to the year. You can see Pip’s own ‘Taking Stock’ over here.

Making :
Progress with health, slowly, slowly catchy monkey. And I’ve made one granny square, aiming for more so I can make a cardi thing, inspired by one of Pip’s recent makings.

Cooking :
I’m craving zesty, fresh and light things, salsa, tzatziki, baked salmon, steamed veg, sushi. I do a little bit of food prep but husband does most of it, given my state of not-too-wellness. Continue reading

Yesterday I used the word epiphanous


first trip out of the house, with headband for visual cluing and one ear deafness comfort

It has been an age between blog posts but I feel compelled to write.

The tables have been turned, the world is upside down and I’ve been turned inside out. And I am literally spinning.

This blog and website used to be about me as a Naturopath and my pursuit to assist others to follow their wellness path. But because of my own health issues over the past few years I am no longer a practicing naturopath and my health focus has become introspected. I’m grateful for all of those years of naturopathic training which now make me an accomplished medical self-advocate and make it easier to navigate the illness landscape.

My collection of health tags over the past year or so include: chronic fatigue syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), severe obstructive sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, depression, recurrent miscarriage and infertility. Continue reading

being grateful

365gratefuls cover

On Christmas Eve a new book I had ordered arrived. It was a good Christmas present for myself.

365 gratefuls, the book, originated from a project by Hailey Bartholomew. In 2008 Hailey had decided to embark on a year long project in which she took a polaroid of a moment every day that she was grateful for, in order to fight depression. It worked. Continue reading

colds and flu – how I’m beating the bug and boosting immunity

macrame blue bowl with lemons

So….. lots of people around me are getting a bit sick with the lurgy. Ewww. nasty. Starts with a sore throat, full on head cold and then a cough that could light your lungs on fire. not nice.

I don’t want to get this…. no no no.

I have noticed the warning signs, a slight tickle in the throat, a bit stuffy in the nose and just a sense of ‘oh no i feel like i might get sick’-ness. So here is what I’m doing, I’m on the attack, I don’t want to get sick and more importantly, I want to support my bodies immune system raising it to optimum level so it can fight the threatening attack of pathogens. Continue reading

i chose health today – banana icecream

banana icecream

Wanted big piece of chocolate cake, but thought just right now I can do better than that, so I chose this instead.

Homemade peanutty banana icecream. Continue reading

Turning Bad into Good – my cheesy adventures

ricotta 4

So sometimes things don’t go so well….. blah….. but isnt it great when you can turn them around into something great.

I really do make an effort to find the good in things, even when it feels outrageously dreadful at the time. I don’t always manage it immediately, but I’m getting better. Continue reading

Beaut Breakfast


This was my breakfast the other morning, brekkie salad – avocado, baby spinach leaves, tomato, almonds and I added some quick fried tempeh – delicious!

I was inspired by a recipe from The Stone Soups ‘Love your waistline and your food’ book. The book appears to be paleo-centric but will have a much wider appeal, some great recipes, with the philosophy of ease, health, quick and tasty food – my kind of eating.

Jules has lots of recipes on her blog here.

Detox and Dry July tips

I thought I would re-post these handy Dry July tips – good for anytime of the year and for anyone who is currently on (or considering) a period of alcohol abstinence, so here are some additional things you might like to be doing to assist in a bit of Bodily Spring Cleaning, to go alongside that beautiful rest you’re giving your liver from the burdens of alcohol. Continue reading

oh for eau – bottle beauty


Look at this super cute water bottle. Gorgeous. And good for you.

Now, as a Naturopath I do try and sell the virtues of drinking water to my patients. Water is good, but not everyone finds it very easy to increase their consumption. Some tricks I suggest are Continue reading

crafty stress management is going great!

here is what one of the lovely course participants said:

“Crafty Stress Management has helped me to reassess my attitudes towards crafting, my responses to stress, and my love of creativity! Thank you Sue, for sharing your knowledge!” Continue reading