things that bring me joy – Be Free

be free zine 2

I have loved the work of Be Free for a while now – this was one of my first exposures to her work that I loved – here.

So I was SO excited when, this morning, early-ish, I popped onto facebook and discovered that she and Akemi Ito, were installing super fabulous free zine package boxes around my locale. I immediately popped on my trackie daks and ran out the door.

INTO the most incredibly fresh sunny Sunday morning. Really very glorious (enough superlatives for you?)

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I love Fitzroy in the early morning. pre-hipster rise. It’s like a secret place. And so spacious.

be free zine 1

I found the box, saw it ahead of me in a blaze of sun light illumination and could see that there were still some zines left and felt a real sense of child like joy. REALLY EXCITED.

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I was also struck by the amazing GENEROSITY and the incredible CREATIVITY that surrounds me in Melbourne town, which really makes me wonder if I could ever live anywhere else. I find it so INSPIRING. generous and creative are two words that I think should always go together. they are good words in partnership.

I walked back home holding my free zine pack (50/100) like it was a gold jewel encrusted bar on a crystal platter, so PRECIOUS. and so much playful fun.

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I don’t always like facebook and its “oh look everyone’s doing so much amazing stuff and having so much fun” false sense of reality which can sometimes be particularly trying at challenging times of life when life is not amazing and not much fun. But today I am very grateful to facebook – Thanks facebook! – for facilitating this special moment, both amazing and fun and a whole lot more than that.

And most of all – Thanks Be Free and Akemi Ito – you are truly special.


ps. what’s in the pack? do you know what? I haven’t even opened it yet. So far all the joy has come from the generosity and the creativity and the care and attention that someone has been thoughtful enough to engage me in. Brilliant. Maybe I’ll show you the internals of the package in another post.

pps. what’s a naturopath doing eating almond croissants for breakfast? Well I decided to feed glee with more glee, it just seemed the right thing to do.

8 thoughts on “things that bring me joy – Be Free

  1. We’re both really happy you got a kick out of it, Sue 🙂 It was a magical morning to put them out.

    I feel like I did in Primary school, “And then we’ll put on a play, and have a treasure hunt and then I’ll make a comic book and we’ll ride our bikes all the way to the edge of town and eat way too much cake when we get home,”- I think it’s important to treasure the child aspect of ourselves and not let it drown in our sometimes intensely furrowed brows.

    Most of all I’m thankful that you got to feel the pure and intense joy of the child, and very grateful that there are people like you and Be Free out there- Melbourne is the beautiful city it is because of people like you, and if it weren’t for you, there’d be no us 🙂

    I hope you get a really kick out of the pack when you open it 🙂

  2. This is AMAZING Sue! I feel your excitement and think I would want to CHERISH and SAVOUR it a little longer and postpone the opening of the package too. Wow. Can’t wait for your post about ‘what’s inside’… Rebecca x

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